Friday, March 13, 2009

The Ecosystem of News

Steve Johnson from is the author of "everything bad is good for you" and "the invention of air". 

News = "old growth media" 

Back story:
  •  going to the magazine store 3-4x / day to get new issue of mac world in the 80's. 
  • Moved to nyc, joined compuserve for mac week. 
  • '93 - wired magazine launched.
  • macintouch '
  • salon - scott rosenberg
Now: engadget, 'technica, gruber, norman, pogue, mossberg, macrumors. 
Mcclewan vs wilson (now).
Blogging is inherently "parasitic" (bloggers link to traditoinal news articles) 
New growth: depth and surface
Outsidein - geo-twitter
Jeff jarvis - "do what you do best, and link to the rest".
Newspapers "paper" readership has gone down, but online has increased. There's still a market for "authoritative"/ "editorialized" content that newspapers bring. 
Ecosystem: professional, prof bloggers, non-profit journalists, amateur bloggers, diret events (eg obama race speech), public data/ apis -> commentary: pundits, bloggers, scholars ->curation: social media, professional/editors, aggregations, group filters -> Distribution: traditional, aggregators, viral world of mouth

Q's: someone needs to get paid to do this effectively. Business model? 
A's: no answers

Lots of interesting techs:

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