Friday, March 13, 2009

Social Engineering: Scam Your Way Into Anything or From Anybody

Brian Brushwood   Host,   Revision3/Scam School

Interesting, albeit comedic, session by Brian. He's the host of an InternetTV show hosted by Revision3. His session was basically a summary of his show: using influence concepts for magicshow-like entertainment (eg pick a card, choose a word and he guesses it). It was definitely entertaining. 

Check out the most recent show - he does a bar trick where he charges a straw and pretends he possesses telekenisis. 

That said, and he even referrenced it later in his session, a lot of the concepts are captured in the book Influence by Robert Cialdini (which I highly recommend). It was also somewhat similar to the concepts contained in Josh Porter's "Designing for the Social Web"

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